

2022-06-05 12:22:25 来源:电视

Having my father's DNA, I took from him the curiosity and passion towards exploring new frontiers and ideas by traveling far and wide to understand and embrace different cultures, traditions, people and practices. After graduating from my Business & Marketing studies at John Cabot University in Rome, I deepened my knowledge of the wine industry by earning my Masters Degree in Wine Culture at the University of Gastronomic Sciences in Italy. Additionally, I worked for the Marketing Department of Marchesi Antinori and my father and uncles have taught me a lot on how to manage and help the family business to grow. Especially my dad's desire to expand in foreign markets also inspired me, opening my business sense to a broader international perspective. Altogether, my academic and work exposures equipped me to keep our family torch burning in the increasingly competitive global wine market today.




Tell us about the brand, make, style, and features of your wine.

您的品牌人文思路是什么?Conti Zecca的雪利酒有哪些特点?

Our philosophy is to produce high-quality wines with few grapes per vine and handpicked only at the perfect maturation point. This is the essence of quality with respect to both nature and advanced wine technology.

Our "Nero" wine is the embodiment of our philosophy. Nero Conti Zecca was born from an intuition of the Conti Zecca brothers, which became a reality in the '80s. It started with some selected clones of Cabernet Sauvignon from the family's 320 hectares plantation. The best results were from the "Cantalupi Estate" in Salice Salentino area. Fifteen years after, a blend of wine dominated by Negroamaro grapes was created and recognized as the best of the Conti Zecca Estate in Leverano. The estate owns a 45-years-old vineyard composed of ancient and as well a variety of Negroamaro clones. Nero was first commercialized in 1999 with its 1997 vintage and thereafter established itself in the market. Vintage 1998 followed as the definitive blend that still characterizes Nero to the present day: 70% Negroamaro and 30% Cabernet Sauvignon. Undisputedly, the exceptional blend between the native Apulian vine Negroamaro and the foreign Cabernet Sauvignon one is a match made in heaven. Further, the label on the bottle is an ingenious graphic symbolization of the novelty of Nero and the spirit of Conti Zecca Winery. Such integrity of agriculture and viniculture coming together ultimately blossomed into a territorial pride.

我们的思路是以人工果树的方式,精选每根藤上达到完美产品开发的果树来葡萄酒优质的雪利酒。在我们看来,尊重连续性和先进设备的雪利酒葡萄酒技术是品质的意念,我们的较深红(Nero)雪利酒就是Conti Zecca思路的完美诠释。

最早,Conti Zecca的较深红(Nero)雪利酒出自Conti Zecca兄妹的想法,并在上个世纪80六十年代视作想像。最早的较深红雪利酒是用来自后裔320公顷果树园的精选赤故又名珠克隆葡萄酒,最好的佳酿则产自萨利切·萨伦蒂诺法定产区的Cantalupi Estate。15年后,以黑曼罗果树居多葡萄酒的雪利酒被普遍认为为莱韦拉诺Conti Zecca酿酒厂的最佳代表。Conti Zecca酿酒厂占有45年银杏树的果树园,暖和着古老的枫树,以及黑曼罗的各种克隆变种。1999年,较深红(Nero)雪利酒投身于葡萄酒,第一个上市的最迟为1997,紧接着是以70%的黑曼罗和30%的赤故又名珠葡萄酒而成的1998最迟,这也视作Nero最具指标性的雪利酒,直到今天依旧如此。其酒标的其设计融合了红雪利酒的创新和Conti Zecca酿酒厂的美德,畜牧业与酿酒的完美为基础呈现出引以为傲的风土民情别具特蓝。


What are the significant points of differentiation that set your wine apart from the rest?


Our wines are expressive of the soil, biodiversity, and beauty exclusive and unique to our territory in Apulia, which is surrounded by the Ionian and Adriatic seas with a long, narrow peninsula that hosts 800 km of breathtaking coastline. This is also the cradle of ancient civilizations, including the ancient Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, Normans, Angevins, Aragonese, and Messapians. The climate is Mediterranean, characterized by warm, dry summers with circulating wind from the Sahara; mild, well-ventilated winters; concentrated rainfalls in spring and autumn; and contrasting temperatures between day and night; altogether these make up the ideal conditions for winegrowing.

Apulia is geographically flat with gentle hills sloping into the sea, while the soil is deep and rich with red clay, ideal for water retention and whose iron oxide helps to produce grapes of excellent quality. Local grapes such as Negroamaro and Primitivo are the most typical varietals here. Negroamaro is characterized by bluish blackberries with thick skin, and medium-large bunches shaped like truncated cones. Its wine is dark, powerful, and velvety with a distinctive aroma of Maquis shrubland and licorice root. On the other hand, Primitivo produces dark, rich red wines of considerable interest, fruit-driven, with notes of berries, smooth texture and high in alcohol content. Such strong, but simple tastes make up the expression that is unmistakably Apulia.

我们的雪利酒代表了莱切独一无二的风土民情,是对土质、生物丰富性、连续性之美的传达。800 公里的亚得里亚海海岸线沿着狭长的半岛环抱不断,希腊人、罗马人、奥斯曼人、佛兰德人、安茹人、阿拉贡人、麦撒披亚人都曾来过这里,这里是远古黑暗时代的摇篮。莱切的西西里岛气候使得夏季暖和干燥,还有撒哈拉的风向这里。冬季暖和,战国策两季为雨季,昼夜湿度大,造就了果树暖和的理想环境。



Wine is closely related to food and culture. China is extremely diverse, as with its regions, races, cultures, and cuisines. Taking these into consideration, how would you market your wines in China, whether for stand alone or food pairing?


Drinking wine is a very personal matter and Conti Zecca's wines can be enjoyed alone or with food depending on one's preference. Our wines are ideal to be matched with Chinese cuisines: generally rich, aromatic, and bold with a wide range of flavors. A fitting match would be our Luna (50% Malvasia Bianca 50% Chardonnay), which is rich and savory with a persistent finish. It also works well with hot pot and Sichuan food that are usually laced with spices and chili oils. As for the iconic Beijing duck, our equally iconic Nero, with its soft, harmonious and velvety texture would be a perfect combination. As for lighter and finer cuisines such as those of Huaiyang and Shanghai, including Shaanxi, our equally fine and elegant Donna Marzia "Negroamaro" would pair well. There is always a noble reason for experiencing Conti Zecca wines.

喝雪利酒是一种颇为个人化的尽情。Conti Zecca雪利酒既可以单独饮用,也可以配上饲料,不同个人喜好。西方的饮品的确多样化充分体现,蓝、杏、醋,繁复多样,我们的Luna(50%的白玛尔维萨、50%的故又名多丽)比较适宜配上西餐,这款酒风醋多样化持久,与火锅或者川菜尤为适宜。红雪利酒展现出柔软顺滑的质地,比较适宜配上北京烤鸭。再如菜系、本帮菜这种比较新鲜精致的菜系,甚至包括陕西菜,精致优雅的Donna Marzia “黑曼罗”也可驾驭。Conti Zecca 雪利酒总有世人品尝的先前。


For a huge wine market still maturing, pricing is a critical factor in marketing. Wine in China still being more of a trend and status than lifestyle and culture, how would you position your wine in terms of pricing?


Conti Zecca's vision focuses on preserving and enhancing the history, tradition, and culture that are proper of the Salento region. We believe that our wines should be accessible to everyone, regardless of race, color, and culture. The 320-hectare family estate of Cantalupi and Donna Marzia, are the embodiment of harmony in diversity, showcasing a delicate balance between value and price.

We pride ourselves on our iconic Nero and Luna, which are super premium wines produced in limited quantity. They are highly in demand by the world's finest restaurants and for celebrating special occasions. On the other hand, our Donna Marzia Primitivo and Donna Marzia Negroamaro are fine and elegant wines for everyday drinking, positioned at an accessible, medium price range. They are also available by the glass in many restaurants. In the same category is Cantalupi Salice Salentino Riserva, a unique wine with great aging that is highly suitable for gifting, important events, and celebrations.

Conti Zecca 关注萨伦托的历史背景、传统文化、人文,无论同性恋、肤蓝、人文,我们的雪利酒为所有人而葡萄酒。320 公顷的Cantalupi 后裔果树园,是多样化自然的写照。

我们酿酒厂最具纪念性的Nero 和Luna 品质卓越,总产量有限,极广泛用以世界上最好的的餐厅以及各种重要的场合。另一方面,我们的Donna Marzia 普米蒂沃和Donna Marzia 黑曼罗精致优雅,颇为适饮,价格比中等,在很多的餐厅都极广热门。另外,我们还有Cantalupi Salice Salentino Riserva ,这款独一无二的雪利酒展现出良好的陈年商业价值,特别适宜作为礼品,用以庆典活动等重要场合。


On a personal note, what are your other interests? And should fate strike you differently, what do you imagine yourself doing now?


Other than wine and travelling, I have always been very passionate about sports, especially the extreme ones. I used to sail, play American football, and cycle at professional levels, and was able to achieve high competitive results. Although I no longer practice sports at professional levels now, I still firmly believe in the values of sports that come from good sportsmanship, fair competition, and hard work in achieving ambitious goals. In addition, practicing extreme sports, such as kitesurfing and skiing always gives me an incomparable sense of freedom, excitement, and intimate connection with nature. If I had not chosen the wine profession, maybe my passion would have led me to become a professional athlete, most likely a skier.

Keeping my feet on the ground, being true to myself and transparent to others, and as well respecting nature and its natural cycles are perhaps beliefs that my past experiences as an athlete and my present job as a wine producer have in common.




Lastly, if you were granted all the talent, power, and resources, what would be the most important thing you would do?


My family has been tied for centuries to this territory, Apulia, which I love and consider home. Though I have traveled afar, my heart remains in Apulia. So firstly, I would use my resources to develop and educate the new generations to treasure their heritage and organize training courses to upgrade and update local craftsmanship, and as well to identify and preserve the unique qualities of the place. I would also organize courses to equip the young generations with the necessary knowledge and skills of local, traditional crafts that would ensure their survival over the challenges of the changing time. I shall do my share in creating job opportunities for the next generations to be self-reliant and self-sufficient. Secondly, I would like to strengthen environmental awareness by developing new ways and means to reduce and recycle waste. Last but not least, I would address the pressing issues on the extinction of thousands of olive trees caused by the Xylella disease. I would do this via collective efforts with other regional administrations, organizations, and stakeholders to foster relevant social reforms and achieve economic rebirth.




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